Thierry Theys - Resto Nuance - Contact

Opening hours

Our kitchen is open from 12:00 to 14:00 for lunch and from 19:00 to 21:00 for dinner. Nuance closes on Saturday afternoons, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

From 2024, Nuance will close on Sundays and Mondays, Tuesday afternoons and Saturday afternoons.

Book your table here.

Contact details

Restaurant Nuance

Kiliaanstraat 6-8, B-2570 Duffel
Tel.: +32 15 63 42 65

VAT: BE 0889.003.911


  • Summer : July 14 until and including August 6
  • Autumn : October 27 until and including November 5
  • Christmas 2024 : December 22 until and including January 7

Do you have a question?

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